International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
European Radio Communications Office (ERO, CEPT)
ETSI free download of standards
Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
US Food and Drug Administration (FDA, incl. medical device EMC)
US Military Specifications, Standards and Handbooks
Germany: RegTP now called Federal Network Agency
VCCI (Japan) Standards and Regulations
Australian Communications Authority (ACMA)
Commercial Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Standards
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC/CISPR standards)
International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI)
DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung (DIN Germany)
Society of automotive Engineers (SAE –USA)
Radio Technical Commission for Aeronautics (RTCA, US)
Austrian Research Center Seibersdorf (Antenna/Probe Calibration)
NPL UK National Metrology (Antenna/Probe Calibration)
Liberty Calibration Labs USA/ASIA (Ant. and field probes, EMC calibration)
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. (IEEE)
National Association of Radio & Telecommunication Engineers Inc., US (NARTE)